Thursday, April 21, 2011

montessori classic mobiles

These are the classic Montessori mobiles that I have made for my daughter. She had an absolute blast watching them as early as 3 weeks old.  As with everything in the baby's environment, I rotated the mobiles to maintain interest, starting from the Munari mobile. Babies reflexively prefer to look at high-contrast patterens. The black and white colors provide highest possible contrast to the eye, and thus, are most visible and attractive to babies.

  The Munari Mobile

The Octahedron Mobile
  The Gobbi Mobile
The Dancers
The Rainbow

Mobiles are important for the education of the visual sense according to Maria Montessori,“the higher development of the senses actually precedes that of the higher intellectual faculties.”

The visual mobiles are given to a baby  who is not yet reaching or grasping. They should not be hung so far away that the baby can't focus on them. These mobiles can be ordered here.
Directions for how to make your own Gobbi mobile can be found here.

This shows a baby enjoying a butterfly mobile, focusing and concentrating!!!

 Montessori Video, Infant - Concentrating, Focusing on a Mobile

Here are a few other mobile ideas that are very simple and aesthetic. The Joyful Child, ( is known for selecting the very highest quality and most appropriate materials for young children.

Stay tuned... in the next post, I will introduce how to make one of these mobiles! 


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful blog. This is my first visit. I found you on an internet search looking for Montessori mobile sellers. I made my daughter's mobiles like you did.
